Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grill Hard Or Die!

Hmmm... What lovely weather we're having. Hmm... it sure would be nice to grill outside for a change after the brutal ice pelting kansas(basketball champions bitch!) winter...
Anyone else? Eh? Sure. Ok then. We're in agreement then. Let's do it.

This originally was going to be a simple dog and brat chill fest with maximum oral meat wang penetration enjoyed by all, but edog was a crazed ruthless maniac with his own insidious plot to marinate and grill over five pounds of flat iron steak medium rare!

pimp slap!

As usual edog's wild idea was combined with the experience and poise of his beautiful woman friend sarah, who started off the marinade formula by declaring that equal parts saki and soy sauce would work as the base.

lets say it was:

one cup saki (cheap)
one cup soy sauce
five cloves of garlic
an equal(to the garlic) amount of fresh ginger
3 heaping tablespoons of wasabi powder
one experienced drizzling of sesame seed oil

mix the saki and soy

chop and puree the garlic and ginger

whip them together

add wasabi to taste

drizzle in the s. s. oil

yay. marinate for 24 hours.

Aside from all of that nonsense, this is what we all were able to plate up with:

Very nice. There in the middle is a kraut covered dog quadruple sandwiched between beet salad, germen moustached potato salad, fertig killer cole slaw and the steak.

Now the crazy part is that after all of that, including sangria, we had THIS!

Totally Rad Awesome Cake with Bodacious Icing and Stuff!


...ahh yes..

Blue Cheese Cole Slaw

1 large head of cabbage (or a mix of green and red), shredded
4 oz-8 oz blue cheese crumbles, depending on stinkiness and your taste
1/2 bunch scallions, sliced

Mix the above together in a giant bowl and refrigerate while you make the dressing:

1/2 C cider vinegar
1/2 C light oil - canola, vegetable, whatever
1 t. celery seed
1 t. salt
2 T sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced

Mix dressing ingredients together and toss with cabbage mixture about 1 hour before serving. The vinegar will wilt the cabbage a bit, so toss it last minute if you like the cabbage super crunchy, or toss earlier if you like it softer.

1 comment:

sarah said...

Well done, Mr. Eric. I especially like the photo of the failed Hebrew National dog. It did not have game.